Tuesday, August 28, 2018

We are sharpening the business precision to ensure it’s even more accurate!

Google AdWords is a great tool that provides a quick start for businesses which are seeking immediate website traffic improvement and visibility on search engine. As a Google Partner, Nexus has priority access to all the beta programs provided by google that allows us to build competitive edge for your business.


We research and understand the behaviors of your target audience. We utilize the collected audience data to implement dynamic automation and enhanced keyword level tracking to help your business to identify and narrow down the group of potential customers.


We use AdWords features effectively to enhance lead conversions, which include remarketing lists for search ads and audience targetings. We want your ads to be displayed to the right people at the right time. Conversions are created when there is a good mix of targeting method and high quality or relevancy content.


In order to maximize your business ROI, our Google AdWords Strategists are on the constant look out for keywords that are performing well. We aim to allocate your budget towards high performing keywords to attain maximum impression share and conversion.


We forecast the potential business opportunity and devise an action plan that makes a difference towards your business goals. We as an Adword Advertising Agency strive to achieve your marketing goals by developing an unique and precise strategy for your business.

How will you be visible?

Search ads appear when people search for products and services you offer.
Remarketing Ads
Remarketing shows your ads to people who have visited your website but left without taking any actions.

Google Display Ads
Display ads are shown in the form of images. It could appear on over two million websites and over 650,000 apps.

What Our Specialist Provide

Keyword & Placement Research

Keyword & Placement Research
Perform in-depth research of keywords and placement strategy for your campaign.

Landing Page / Testing
Landing Page / Testing
Professional assessment on your landing page to ensure high conversion rates.

Audience Targeting

Audience Targeting
Research and understand your target audience's behavior and interest.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing
Gather ads data and assess campaign result for future improvements.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion Tracking
Perform accurate campaign performance tracking based on marketing objectives.

Monthly Campaign Reporting

Monthly Campaign Reporting
Prepare campaign detail analysis.